Friday, March 14, 2014

Let’s have a party! Breaking News

Let’s have a party!  Breaking News!
Here is your invitation to become part of
Kentucky’s newest storytelling festival, to be held
In Central Kentucky this summer (Lexington)
Designed in particular for Special Needs Children.
Steering committee being formed during next 3 weeks.

Inspiration. My grandkids are undergoing vision loss and other life-threatening issues because of a rare genetic  blood disorder. For a while ,we assumed it was only the older who has been getting treatment since age 4,but now we have discovered it is also his younger sister. This has been going on for some time, but now they are both undergoing  chemo and bone marrow transplant, at Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati.  There they see children from all over the world with Severe health issues and some not getting well. The Ronald McDonald House across the street is fabulous place after the long hospital stay. So our whole family has become tuned in to a different population that we are now part of.

Having enjoyed my storytelling at Cassidy Elementary for years, they said,
“These kids need your stories, Poppy!”
I said, “There is a way to reach lotsa children (like Carolyn Franzini does at Cave Run and what happens at Jonesboro--been there 4X since 1980i).   
"We could have a STORYTELLING FESTIVAL.   Furthermore, I know lotsa very good storytellers."
"Wow!” they said, “Let’s have a party!”

So we are going to have a storytelling party.  Lexington Spellbinders have given the idea an enthusiastic response. My Blind Veterans Chapter wants  to endorse and help sponsor it.  Maybe you know another organization which would get on board?
So now, for the next three weeks, we are enlisting a steering committee of persons who want to make this happen.  We will probably do all of this online. And by end of April be selecting tasks. 
Will you help?  Lotsa special needs children can catch new dreams through storytelling.  BTW, don’t miss the story of Helen Keller in the play The Miracle Worker at Lexington Opera House this weekend.
Who will pitch in to lend a hand?

Paschal the Rascal, Lexington Spellbinder.

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